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New Page with all Tickets displayed

5 years 9 months ago #6153 by Silvan Armbruster

I need to get a Page where I can display all written Tickets. We use the Pro-Version of the Plugin as a IT-Ticket System, where only Staff write Tickets to the IT Department, so there are like 100-150 Tickets. Now I need to Display them all at one Site or being able to select if I can display just 50 or 100. 
Another Option would be, if I could make the unique Tickets you see in the Attachement smaller so it would be better to have an overview about all the Tickets. 

Thanks really much for the Help!

Silvan Armbruster
5 years 9 months ago #6154 by mohsin
You can set pagination (from configuration) to any number and that many
tickets will be shown in ticket listing on front end and admin.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Silvan Armbruster
5 years 9 months ago #6155 by Silvan Armbruster
Thanks for the really fast Help! I must have overseen this feature. Now, how can i change the size of the tickets, so that it will be better to view? At the moment the tickets are too high, and I want to have a better overviw.
5 years 9 months ago #6157 by mohsin
Can you please elaborate on what you are trying to achieve, possibly add a screenshot so i can understand better.
5 years 9 months ago #6160 by Silvan Armbruster
I want to see more Tickets at first sight in the Ticket overview, Either in the backend or in the frontend. At the moment the Tickets are too high. May you can tell me how I can change the css-properties for the tickets you see in the attachment?

Would be really great! Thanks for the help!
5 years 9 months ago #6162 by mohsin
Add this css to any css file
.js-col-xs-12.js-col-md-12.js-ticket-wrapper {
   width: 48% !important;
   float: left !important;
   margin: 0 1% !important;
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