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Joomla YouTube Video Component

14 years 7 months ago #1375 by Joomlatag

The JTAG YouTube video component is a simple yet powerful component to let you easily add and display YouTube videos on your Joomla sites sorted in different categories. You can layout video like on CNBC or CNN or even on YouTube. You can create unlimited video channels or categories and add videos to these categories from YouTube Playlist, Subscriptions and from individual videos list. You can also add your own video playlist or playlist from other people from YouTube directly to your site. This means you have a full control of the videos on your site.

What is new in version 2.0 Pro?

We made many useful changes to the JTAG YouTube Video to make it better and simplify navigation. The interface has been cleaned up to allow you manage your videos more efficiently. As many as 32 bugs were fixed and many new features added. The following major changes were implemented:

• Video management has been greatly improved. All videos are now displayed as thumbnails at the backend providing you visual aid to managing your videos. You can now preview your videos at the backend before publishing them.
• You can now sort the order videos appeared on the frontend. Video can be sorted per menu item.
• Create a custom menu item link to a search term on YouTube. Just type in a search term and display all videos relating to that search term.
• You can now import videos from the video subscriptions of other users on YouTube. Import videos from your Favorite list
• The Playlist management has been greatly improved. Now you can select the video to import from a playlist instead of importing all. You can update a playlist from YouTube, so when you add more videos to a playlist your site is automatically updated.
• Automatically remove videos which are no longer available on YouTube.
• More freedom to display your video in many different layouts or views. This way you can have the videos arranged the way you like to have them on your front page.

Please note that most of the changes are ONLY available in the pro version.
General Features

• Publicize your videos by letting your visitors propagate them to other sites such as Facebook and on other social networks using the share button.
• You can now displays videos in many different views.
• Import Videos from your playlist or the playlist of others on YouTube.
• Import all or selected videos from YouTube subscriptions
• The JCE editor plugin has been modified for you to easily add videos to your article from within JCE editor.
• The modules to display videos in any module locations have been improved.
• Update the playlist on your site with playlist on YouTube without manually changing anything on your site.
• All information relating to the videos is stored on your local database so you don’t lose any settings.
• Import videos from private playlist
• Import videos from public playlist such as:
• Most Viewed
• Top Rated
• Recently Featured
• Watch On Mobile
• Most Discussed
• Top Favorites
• Most Linked
• Most Responded
• Most Recent
• Import user “favorites:” list on YouTube
• Configure whether or not to show YouTube description and rating.
• Share video to Facebook and on others can be provided
• Advanced search for YouTube from your site
• Show or hide video categories to certain users

Extra Joomla Modules and plugins

• Module to show resent videos
• Module to show top rated video from your site
• Module to show videos from predefined playlist or search terms from YouTube
• Module to show videos as scroller
• JCE Editor Plugin . This plugin allows you to add videos to any article on your site.

Download Link:
5 years 1 day ago #6429 by tomjoel
Great article, a great selection of software. But we’ll make a clarification, if you need, for example, to download only the audio track, then  https://easyconvert.pro/   will help to do this quickly and without unnecessary hassle.
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