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Very good component.. thanks!! But I need help...

15 years 10 months ago #322 by José Ruiz
I like this extension, the best component for jobs in my opinion. There are some work to do, but it\'s very good (require some php experience).

I translated the language file to pt-BR and changed some things (like countries, conties and cities) and works fine. I need some help to get two features:

1. How can I get the city name in job view (see the image below)? I have the code, but it\'s not clear for the users.

2. How can I search resumes? (not applied to any job)? It was very good if I could invite users (resumes) to applied my job... it\'s possible? Or send a message about a new job...

Thank you very much... (sorry my poor english)
15 years 10 months ago #323 by José Ruiz
The files translated are here. I changed some things for my convenience (like change county to regions). Because this, I dont put this files in translate forum (I think you need look before).

I can help, if you need...

Attachment pt_BR.zip not found

15 years 9 months ago #330 by José Ruiz
12 years 11 months ago #2210 by Hozefa

I am also very interested to know how we can make Resume search general. Means any job seekers who posted his resume can be searchable by any other job seekers and employer.

Another question in mind is that one user comes first time on this component they are asked to choose their profile, that is Employer or Job Seekers, once they choose it , they only able to see their respective Control Panel. If someone mistakenly chosen a wrong profile, how it can be corrected? is their any place in backed or through frontend to change profile form Job seekers to Employer or vise versa?

12 years 11 months ago #2211 by Hozefa
On the link to Resume Search I get the error " You can not view resume search form. " whether I login as job seeker or employer :(
12 years 11 months ago #2226 by Super User

Please check employer package, is Resume Search allow?

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
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