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component customizations

10 years 10 months ago #3351 by Nuno Cardoso
Hello, we need to know if your component can do the following, or if it's possible to make it work, and how much difficult it would be?

- the admin would access a candidates list with the custom Filtering parameters, like:
Name / Phone / Phone 2 b / date contact / certificate / accreditation date / expiry date / date of birth / observations

- In the back office you can sort the candidates by date , alphabetically , etc. .

- You can create alerts for parameters , for example , warns that ends the validity date of certification.

- You can add parameters in the back office , for example , if the candidate is or is not working .

- You can hide columns (such as phone number, for example)

- In the back office you can search for keywords and filter corresponding to research candidates .

- In the back office is possible send a filtered excel file, by email, of the candidates list.

- In the back office you can get inside of each candidate and add information. Each candidate would have an internal file with information .

- The component would be translated to Portuguese.
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