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First Name, Middle Name and Last Name

15 years 9 months ago #370 by Martin Dave

I have a quite unique situation with the form for applying jobs and submitting resume. the form displays first_name, middle_name and last_name fields, for my situation, I need to get rid of the middle name and last name fields, only use first name, it seems to be fine when I commented out the middle name field, however, if I commented out the last_name field, and also commented out the javascript that checks against last_name field being empty, I am getting error message saying I did not filling required fields, in this case, the last_name field. At first, I thought it must be a database error, because last_name is not nullable in the database, so I modified the last_name column in the database to make it a varchar(60) null, but I am still getting the same error message. I looked into the jos_jobs.php in the model folder, and still could not figure out what else code is checking last_name field.

Could you kindly give me some pointer as to what code I should look into to resolve this issue?

thanks very much for your help

15 years 9 months ago #372 by Ahmad
It is not recommended to remove last name. Last name use lot of area in the code.

In this error, you need to change table class.

v1.0.4.1 available for testing.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 9 months ago #385 by Martin Dave
Thanks man, that fixed the issue.

thanks again for this quick response and help. I am going to write a great review about this on joomla extensions site.

Also, I have another quesiton: there is a line in \\components\\com_jsjobs\\views\\jobposting\\tmpl\\formjob.php:

// value in first dropdown

this line seems to be able to load the country drop-down menu with a default value. it was commented out in the code. I uncommented it and placed the country id for Pakistan(for instance), 80, into the function call like the following:

// value in first dropdown

however, it does not seem to work. when I load the page, the country pakistan is still not selected as the default value for the country drop down. I noticed the same code appeared in a couple of other pages..

what am I doing wrong? how can I get this to work..

i just realized maybe I should start a new thread about this since this is a totally different issue...
15 years 9 months ago #391 by Ahmad

To select default country in new job form.


At line no. 1205. Add your country code like PK, US, etc

I add PK in this example
$this->_options[\'country\'] = JHTML::_(\'select.genericList\', $countries, \'country\',\'class=\"inputbox required\" \'.\'onChange=\"dochange(\\\'state\\\', this.value)\"\', \'value\', \'text\', \'PK\');

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 9 months ago #414 by Martin Dave
Thanks for your help.

changing the line indeed made PK the default value for country selection drop-down menu. However, the state is not populated as a drop-down menu with all the state names. ideally, since the country was defauted to PK, the states should appear as drop-down menu instead of input box. In order to make all the PK states appear in the drop-down menu, I have to choose the country code again, which kind of beating the purpose of having a default country selected.

what else can we change to make this work?

again, thanks for your reply. You are the best..
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