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Categories in 3 columns

14 years 10 months ago #1237 by will
Categories in 3 columns was created by will
How can I show the Category List View in 3 columns? :huh:

Here we can see just 2 columns, but I need to show 3. How this can be done?
14 years 10 months ago #1247 by will
Replied by will on topic Categories in 3 columns
Here is the code of the ../components/com_jsjobs/views/jobseeker/tmpl/jobcat.php

Unhappy I am not a programmer, but if someone may help me with this little issue, I will be very glad.
 * @Copyright Copyright (C) 2010- ... Ahmad Bilal
 * @license GNU/GPL http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * Company:		Al-Barr Technologies
 + Contact:		www.al-barr.com , [email protected]
 * Created on:	Jan 11, 2009
 + Project: 		JS Jobs
 * File Name:	views/jobseeker/tmpl/jobcat.php
 * Description: template view for job categories 
 * History:		NONE
 defined(\'_JEXEC\') or die(\'Restricted access\');
  global $mainframe;

	$link = \"index.php?option=com_jsjobs&c=jsjobs&view=jobseeker&layout=jobcat&Itemid=\".$this->Itemid;
if (isset($this->userrole->rolefor)){
	if ($this->userrole->rolefor != \'\'){
		if ($this->userrole->rolefor == 2) // job seeker
			$allowed = true;
			$allowed = false;
		$allowed = true;
}else $allowed = true; // user not logined

<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\" href=\"<?php echo $mainframe->getBasePath(); ?>components/com_jsjobs/css/<?php echo $this->config[\'theme\']; ?>\" />
<?php if ($this->config[\'offline\'] == \'1\'){ ?>
<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"contentpane\">
	<tr><td valign=\"top\" class=\"<?php echo $this->theme[\'title\']; ?>\" >	<?php echo $this->config[\'title\']; ?></td></tr>
	<tr><td height=\"25\"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class=\"jsjobsmsg\">
		<?php echo $this->config[\'offline_text\']; ?>
<?php }else{ ?>

<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"contentpane\">
	<tr><td valign=\"top\" class=\"<?php echo $this->theme[\'title\']; ?>\" >	
		<?php echo $this->config[\'title\']; ?>
	<tr><td height=\"23\"></td></tr>
	<?php if ($this->config[\'cur_location\'] == 1) {?>
	<tr><td height=\"0\"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class=\"curloc\">
		<?php echo JText::_(\'JS_CUR_LOC\'); ?> : <?php echo JText::_(\'JS_JOB_CATEGORIES\'); ?>
	<?php } ?>
			if (sizeof($this->jobseekerlinks) != 0){
				echo \'<div id=\"toplinks\"><ul>\';
				foreach($this->jobseekerlinks as $lnk)	{ ?>
					<span <?php if($lnk[2] == 1)echo \'class=\"first\"\'; elseif($lnk[2] == -1)echo \'class=\"last\"\';  ?>>
						<a href=\"<?php echo $lnk[0]; ?>\"> <?php echo $lnk[1]; ?></a>
				<?php }
				echo \'<ul></div>\';			
	<?php if ($allowed == true) { ?>
		<tr><td height=\"3\"></td></tr>
		<form action=\"<?php echo JRoute::_($link); ?>\" method=\"post\" name=\"adminForm\">
			require_once( \'job_filters.php\' );
	<?php } ?>
	<tr><td height=\"3\"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class=\"<?php echo $this->theme[\'heading\']; ?>\" align=\"center\">
		<?php echo JText::_(\'JS_JOB_CATEGORIES\'); ?> 

	<tr><td height=\"3\"></td></tr>

if ($allowed == true) { 

	<table cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"contentpane\">
		$tdclass = array($this->theme[\'odd\'], $this->theme[\'even\']);
		$istr =1;
		$isodd =1;
		if ( isset($this->application) ){
			foreach($this->application as $app)
				$isodd = 1 - $isodd;	
				if ($istr==1)
					echo \" <tr >\";//class=\'\".$tdclass[$isodd].\"\'>\";
				$istr = 1 - $istr;	
				$lnks = \'index.php?option=com_jsjobs&c=jsjobs&view=jobseeker&layout=list_jobs&fr=lj&jobcat=\'. $app->id .\'&Itemid=\'.$this->Itemid; 
				//$lnks = \'index.php?option=com_jsjobs&c=jsjobs&view=jobseeker&layout=list_jobs&fr=l\'; 
				//echo $lnks;
				$lnks = JRoute::_($lnks);
				//echo \'<br>\'.$lnks;
					<td width=\"50%\" class=\"<?php echo $tdclass[$isodd]; ?>\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"<?php echo $lnks; ?>\" ><?php echo $app->cat_title; ?> (<?php echo $app->catinjobs; ?>)</a></td>
				if ($istr==1){
						echo \' </tr>\';
						$isodd = 1 - $isodd;	

				$rowcount = $rowcount+1;
		if ($istr==0)
			echo \' <td></td></tr>\';
} else{ // not allowed job posting
<div width=\"100%\">
if($this->config[\'fr_cr_txsh\']) {
	\'<table width=\"100%\" style=\"table-layout:fixed;\">
		<tr><td height=\"15\"></td></tr>
		<tr><td style=\"vertical-align:top;\" align=\"center\">\'.$this->config[\'fr_cr_txa\'].$this->config[\'fr_cr_txb\'].\'</td></tr>
14 years 10 months ago #1251 by Ahmad
Replied by Ahmad on topic Categories in 3 columns
Three columns in Job categories
 + Created by:	Ahmad Bilal
 * Company:		Al-Barr Technologies
 + Contact:		www.al-barr.com , [email protected]
 * Created on:	Jan 11, 2009
 + Project: 		Job Posting and Employment Application
 * File Name:	views/resume/tmpl/jobcat.php
 * Description: template view for job categories 
 * History:		NONE
 defined(\'_JEXEC\') or die(\'Restricted access\');
  global $mainframe;

	$link = \"index.php?option=com_jsjobs&c=jsjobs&view=jobseeker&layout=jobcat&Itemid=\".$this->Itemid;
if (isset($this->userrole->rolefor)){
	if ($this->userrole->rolefor != \'\'){
		if ($this->userrole->rolefor == 2) // job seeker
			$allowed = true;
			$allowed = false;
		$allowed = true;
}else $allowed = true; // user not logined

<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\" href=\"<?php echo $mainframe->getBasePath(); ?>components/com_jsjobs/css/<?php echo $this->config[\'theme\']; ?>\" />
<?php if ($this->config[\'offline\'] == \'1\'){ ?>
<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"contentpane\">
	<tr><td valign=\"top\" class=\"<?php echo $this->theme[\'title\']; ?>\" >	<?php echo $this->config[\'title\']; ?></td></tr>
	<tr><td height=\"25\"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class=\"jsjobsmsg\">
		<?php echo $this->config[\'offline_text\']; ?>
<?php }else{ ?>

<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"contentpane\">
	<tr><td valign=\"top\" class=\"<?php echo $this->theme[\'title\']; ?>\" >	
		<?php echo $this->config[\'title\']; ?>
	<tr><td height=\"23\"></td></tr>
	<?php if ($this->config[\'cur_location\'] == 1) {?>
	<tr><td height=\"0\"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class=\"curloc\">
		<?php echo JText::_(\'JS_CUR_LOC\'); ?> : <?php echo JText::_(\'JS_JOB_CATEGORIES\'); ?>
	<?php } ?>
			if (sizeof($this->jobseekerlinks) != 0){
				echo \'<div id=\"toplinks\"><ul>\';
				foreach($this->jobseekerlinks as $lnk)	{ ?>
					<span <?php if($lnk[2] == 1)echo \'class=\"first\"\'; elseif($lnk[2] == -1)echo \'class=\"last\"\';  ?>>
						<a href=\"<?php echo $lnk[0]; ?>\"> <?php echo $lnk[1]; ?></a>
				<?php }
				echo \'<ul></div>\';			
	<?php if ($allowed == true) { ?>
		<tr><td height=\"3\"></td></tr>
		<form action=\"<?php echo JRoute::_($link); ?>\" method=\"post\" name=\"adminForm\">
			require_once( \'job_filters.php\' );
	<?php } ?>
	<tr><td height=\"3\"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class=\"<?php echo $this->theme[\'heading\']; ?>\" align=\"center\">
		<?php echo JText::_(\'JS_JOB_CATEGORIES\'); ?> 

	<tr><td height=\"3\"></td></tr>

if ($allowed == true) { 

	<table cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"contentpane\">
		$tdclass = array($this->theme[\'odd\'], $this->theme[\'even\']);
		$istr =1;
		$isodd =1;
		$tdcount = 4;
		if ( isset($this->application) ){
			foreach($this->application as $app)	{
				$isodd = 1 - $isodd;	
				if ($tdcount==4){
					echo \" <tr >\";
					$tdcount = 1;
				$istr = 1 - $istr;	
				$lnks = \'index.php?option=com_jsjobs&c=jsjobs&view=jobseeker&layout=list_jobs&fr=lj&jobcat=\'. $app->id .\'&Itemid=\'.$this->Itemid; 
				$lnks = JRoute::_($lnks);
					<td width=\"33%\" class=\"<?php echo $tdclass[$isodd]; ?>\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"<?php echo $lnks; ?>\" ><?php echo $app->cat_title; ?> (<?php echo $app->catinjobs; ?>)</a></td>
				if ($tdcount==3){
						echo \' </tr>\';
						$isodd = 1 - $isodd;	

				$rowcount = $rowcount+1;
		if ($tdcount!=3)
			echo \' <td></td></tr>\';
} else{ // not allowed job posting
<div width=\"100%\">
if($this->config[\'fr_cr_txsh\']) {
	\'<table width=\"100%\" style=\"table-layout:fixed;\">
		<tr><td height=\"15\"></td></tr>
		<tr><td style=\"vertical-align:top;\" align=\"center\">\'.$this->config[\'fr_cr_txa\'].$this->config[\'fr_cr_txb\'].\'</td></tr>

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
14 years 10 months ago #1257 by will
Replied by will on topic Categories in 3 columns
Thank you very much Ahmad. Works perfectly! :laugh:
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