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How to distinguish empl. from job-s. while regist.

15 years 4 months ago - 15 years 4 months ago #634 by Peter
Hi Admin,

firstly I have to say: You did really a good job! Top marks for this excellent extension!

I have a few questions. How do you distinguish employers from job-seekers within the registration process? Could you please explain the registration process in a few words? When do you store the values for the different roles into the table \"js_job_userroles\"? Are the default joomla tables \"core_acl_aro\" and \"core_acl_aro_groups\" affected in any way?

Do you use a registration form that is different from the default joomla registration form, e.g. with additional fields? And if not, how could I do this myself? Well, I\'m familiar with PHP and MySql. But it would be great, if you could give me some short references how to enhance the default registration process. Would it be effectual to store the role of the registered user, e.g. employer (job-seeker respectively), into the table \"js_job_userroles\" - and that\'s all?

Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards

Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.
15 years 4 months ago #636 by ~Romil
I\'m not sure what you\'re trying to achieve by segregating both? However, I would love to find a way to hide or show different fields on Resume and job posting forms.
15 years 4 months ago #639 by Ahmad
JS Jobs can not edit/update any part of Joomla.
When a new register user come on JS Jobs, the component ask his prefer role(employer/jobseeker). [configurable by admin]

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 3 months ago #673 by Vector77
Administrator wrote:

JS Jobs can not edit/update any part of Joomla.
When a new register user come on JS Jobs, the component ask his prefer role(employer/jobseeker). [configurable by admin]

I´m now using v.
When a new register come on JS Jobs, the componente still ask his prefer role even when I configure this option as NO.
Allow User Register as Employer = NO

Thanks in advance

15 years 3 months ago #678 by Ahmad
I\'ll fix it in v1.0.5.3

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
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