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Public Access to Job Search / Jobs by Category

15 years 4 months ago #691 by Tegyn
Hi rabilal,

Now that I am able to Add jobs i\'ve found another issue. I can\'t work out how to allow public access to job search and list jobs by category functions. I don\'t want my users to have to register and login in order to search for jobs. rather, if they find a job they like through a public search then that will require them to register and log in before they can apply and so forth.

Thanks again!

15 years 4 months ago #697 by Ahmad

Job search and job listing not required register user. Guest can also view jobs but not apply to them.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 4 months ago #715 by Tegyn
Hello :)

Thanks for the reply.
But that doesn\'t seem to be the case.
I have the latest version of JS Jobs (downloaded last night).

When I try to navigate to Job Search or Jobs by Category it tells me that I cannot view that page. It doesn\'t matter whether i\'m logged in as a Super Administrator, Registered user or not at all.

I\'m also still having issues adding new jobs or companies. It keeps telling me that I have exceeded my posting limit. I have done as you said and created a new user then logged in and selected Employer as my user type. then when i try adding a new company or a new job it says that I have exceeded my limit. I have all my user restrictions still set to -1 and have tried changing these to different numbers, but still no avail.


Thanks again
15 years 4 months ago #724 by webguru
Admin: any updated on this question.

I have the same questions. After I upgraded to 1.0.5 from 1.0.4 I could not make the Job Category view public access. Every time I click the category view or Job Seeker control panel, a log-in needed.

But i visited your demo site, every thing works fine. Any configuration we should make?

15 years 4 months ago #729 by Ahmad
I sill not find problem, because it work fine on all my test sites.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 4 months ago #730 by webguru
I upgraded from 1.0.4b (of course, I uninstalled it first), is that the issue?

I can give you the admin access if you want to help me trouble shoot it.

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