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No candidat displayed in job_shortlistcandidates

13 years 5 months ago #1642 by jp

From alljobsappliedapplications, employer has a view on received resumes, from there, he can chexk the resume or view the profil and it works great

If employer wants to add this candidate to the job_shortlistcandidates, it appears a message telling it's ok, it has been registered.
But after checking, there no candidates registered


13 years 5 months ago #1649 by Ahmad

Please email me employer username & password with site link.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
13 years 5 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #1651 by jp
Here the link of the website


****** is used for both login and password

Tks again
13 years 5 months ago #1658 by Ahmad
Please edit the myjobs.php and add this link after view job link
<?php $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jsjobs&c=jsjobs&view=employer&layout=job_shortlistcandidates&bd='.$job->id.'&Itemid='.$this->Itemid); ?>
                                                            <a href="<?php echo $link?>" class="" title="<?php echo JText::_('JS_SHORT_LIST_CANDIDATES'); ?>"><img width="17" height="17" src="components/com_jsjobs/images/shortlist.png" /></a>

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
13 years 5 months ago #1664 by jp

OK i get it, i understood wrongly

tks a lot

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