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Customization of obligatory fields.

15 years 1 month ago #1076 by Manu

First of all congratulations for this great module.
My suggestion is that your module is more than complete and you should work in customization of fields. Still many \"forced\" fields.

Im willing to use this module, the paid version but those obligatory fields are a problem.

When adding new company:


When adding new job:

Job status:????
Start publishing:???
Stop publishing:???

All this should be optional to remove.


Again too many \"forced\" fields:

Date you can start
Total experience
work preference

basic information we cant remove, or especially salary: Not very nice in some countries to write your desired salary.

Please add option just to keep the resume editor and upload file.

View jobs without categories, in a simple way, all jobs listed.

Option to add or remove elements from employer and job seekers control panel.

All this at the end is a problem of having so much obligatory fields.

Hope this helps you a bit.

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