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my ideas or fix for future version

8 years 11 months ago #4312 by denis
in language file "JOB INFO" is not present

visible is in this file : components/com_jsjobs/views/job/tmpl/formjob.php
the call is here in this line :
<span class="js_controlpanel_section_title"><?php echo JText::_('Job Info'); ?></span>

please add in language file :
JOB INFO="job info"

or mofify formjob.php with :
<span class="js_controlpanel_section_title"><?php echo JText::_('Job Information'); ?></span>

8 years 11 months ago #4313 by denis
Hello, an idea, if it's feasible.

To classify fields, it would be nice to drag fields up or down, to simplify the use
give the possibility to change the numbering.
8 years 11 months ago - 8 years 11 months ago #4314 by denis
hello, one another idea :

For easy translate userfields / customfield

in formjob.php

change this line :
<label id=' . $userfield->name . 'msg for="' . $userfield->name . '" >' . $userfield->title . '</label>&nbsp;<font color="red">*</font>

<label id=' . $userfield->name . 'msg for="' . $userfield->name . '" >' . JText::_($userfield->title) . '</label>&nbsp;<font color="red">*</font>

if the title of your customfield / userfields is not in your language file : is the title (default value) that is displayed.
if the title of your customfield / userfields is inserted your language file : is translation that is displayed.

exemple for customfield with title : YOU ARE THE BEST
add this line on your language file (french example) : YOU ARE THE BEST="VOUS ÊTES LE MEILLEUR"

And joomla translate your customfield

bye, doc_denis :)
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