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Send Application directly to Employer

15 years 3 months ago #696 by Ahmad
If employer \'Send Email\' when posting a new job

he will get an email alert when a job seeker apply to this job.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 2 months ago #880 by Gary
I totally concur. employers are often posting jobs to numerous boards and do not have time to go back and check on where they posted ads. Prospective employees also want that resume to get to the employer as soon as possible. even a days delay good mean the difference in getting an interview or not.
15 years 2 months ago #886 by Ahmad
Hi Gary,
Now i am seriously think about this option.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
14 years 8 months ago #1305 by jasper
make it optional?
Gary\'s point is indeed a goog one!
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