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Couldn\'t find any matching results

15 years 4 weeks ago #1026 by Spike Santee
This looks like a nice Joomla Extension. Everything seems very straight forward. Installation was easy and the interface is easy to understand. I\'m considering buying the regular version and the plug ins but I\'ve run into something that I don\'t understand.

When I\'m logged in as a Job Seeker, and I\"m on the My Resumes tab, I can see the one resume I have created. There is a view button and an edit button. If I hit the edit button, I\'m able to edit the resume. But if I hit the view button, I get the message, \"couldn\'t find any matching results\".

Now here is the funny thing, if you google JS Jobs \"couldn\'t find any matching results\", you get web site after web site where JS Jobs is installed and they all have this same message. What does it mean? All I wanted to do was view my resume.

Please let me know what\'s going on. Is this expected behavior?

Thanks in advance.
15 years 4 weeks ago #1027 by Spike Santee
Okay, so I set my site to debug and instead of getting the message \"Couldn\'t find any matching results\", I got a big red screen with

500 - JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1104 - The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=#

and a whole lot of other SQL code.

Please help.
15 years 3 weeks ago #1031 by Ahmad

Please send me you site link and demo site create no problem.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 3 weeks ago #1042 by Ahmad
I Create a new resume but there is not any error.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 3 weeks ago #1049 by Spike Santee
Thanks Ahmad for checking out my site.

Yes, there is no problem creating a resume. But do this,

Login or register as a job seeker.

Go to the Job Seeker Control Pannel.

If you have a resume in the system already, go to My Resumes.

You will see your resume in the system. There is a VIEW button or an EDIT button. When you click on the VIEW button, you won\'t see the resume and you will get \"couldn\'t find any matching results\".

From a user\'s point of view, I would expect to see a view of the resume similar to the view you get when you hit the EDIT button but without any edit capabilities.

Thanks again.

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