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joom!fish inaccessible: problème d'inatallation

13 years 2 weeks ago #2153 by fastinnovtech
I'am actually using joomla1.5.22 and js_jobs
when i try the installation of joomfish (v2.1.6), this one is not useful.
some interfaces are not successfully dispayed.

the problem, is that i can't manage languages from the joomfish interface, as it can be seen in the following img:
in the other hand,even afetr the installation of a new language using joomla interface, i can see the new language in the list of languages, but this language is not added in the database (table #__languages).

I'm sure that the problem is not due to comptability of joomla and joofish, since i use the same versions in an other site and it works perfectly.
13 years 2 weeks ago #2158 by Super User

JS Jobs working with JoomFish. We are using on demo site.
Joom!Fish Version V2.0.4
Joomla 1.5.20

But JoomFish not working on Joomla 1.6 +

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
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