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Employers can get Resumes via Email

12 years 7 months ago #2344 by open
Dear All,

Thanks for your great product,

Is there any way that can send a whole Resume data in PDF by an e-mail to the Employer instead of just a confirmation when someone getting applied? so, the employer can get all CVs by email and no need to inter the website to check who applied.

Many thanks
12 years 7 months ago #2345 by Super User

Employer can receive job seeker resume (If job seeker upload resume file).
Employer can choose Job Form > Send email [None/Email/Email with resume].

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
The following user(s) said Thank You: open
12 years 7 months ago #2346 by open
Dear Bilal,

Thanks for the replay, I tried what you suggest and it works fine, but:
1- this works only for registered employers, I mean if I add a company by my myself inside Admin area, and when someone get applied, no confirmation e-mail nor cv will send to their email address.

2-when an employer registerring by themselves through the form, and then if I need to add a job for them inside Admin area, jobs>new , the name of the company hasn't been included in the combo box when I need to select a company, only companies included through Admin area will be there in the list (which is assumed to be both registered companies and added companies included), so only registered employer through the form can add jobs by themselves, I can not add any job for them because they are not in the list. But the strange thing when I am checking the companies inside the admin area, both registered and non-registered companies are there.

can you advice me to solve this issue?

Many thanks
12 years 7 months ago - 12 years 7 months ago #2347 by Super User

1- We will check it, if any issue we will fix it in coming version.

2- Employer can add only his own company job, so when he try to add a job only his company display.
But he can edit any company job.

If you want, admin can add any company job, please open a ticket.

I ask from viewers ,is allow to admin to add any company job?

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
12 years 6 months ago #2351 by open
Dear Ahmed,

Could you kindly tell me from which file and code I can change the confirmation email when applying jobs to be send to the company email address instead of sending email to the account email address ?

For exapmle, one employer has 3 companies, each company has different email address, when the employer advertises 3 jobs, each job belongs to a company, he need resumes to be send to the companies email address not to his own email address, so 3 jobs with 3 companies in one account.

This is my major problem, I need confirmation email send to the company email address not to the user email address.

12 years 6 months ago #2352 by Super User

JS Jobs pick user email address while sending resume.

If single user have multiple companies. You need to change the code.


function sendMail($jobid, $uid,$resumeid)

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
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