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how can I buy JS Jobs Pro?

10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #3408 by Aldes
Trying to buy JS Jobs Pro, but it is to no avail.
I registered on the site and in the section My Products/Pending Products already takes 8 ... Maybe I got it wrong, waiting for confirmation buying opportunities may be that what I doing wrong?
Tell me, please, how can I buy JS Jobs Pro?
And one more question:
If I buy and will set the mood component and then, over time, can change my website domain name / hosting, whether it will have an impact on the component?
Sorry for my english.
thank you
10 years 8 months ago #3409 by Ahmad
Replied by Ahmad on topic how can I buy JS Jobs Pro?

Pending product show that you click on buy now but payment not complete.

Can you please tell, what error/message show when you click on 'Buy Now'
You can open support ticket for fast response.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
10 years 8 months ago #3418 by Aldes
Replied by Aldes on topic how can I buy JS Jobs Pro?
Thanks, with the purchase of the product handled. Purchased and installed.
I have a question: the Visitor (not registered user) can Add Job position but can not Add Resume.
This is true, or I have not found where this can be configured?
10 years 8 months ago #3422 by Ahmad
Replied by Ahmad on topic how can I buy JS Jobs Pro?

Visitor can add job
Configurations > Employer > Visitor > Visitor can add job: Yes

Visitor can apply to any job, it mean when ever visitor apply to job, he need to fill for every time.
Configurations > Job seeker > Visitor > Visitor can apply to job: Yes

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #3428 by Aldes
Replied by Aldes on topic how can I buy JS Jobs Pro?
This is understandable, I talked about-why a visitor can not fill formresume?
Next My question is:
1. why are not all fields are displayed in viewjob, which were filled in formjob, if they are not required? For example: Required Travel, Experience,Gender... (screen.jpg)
2. I added the user field in formyob - city. Why it is not displayed in the location field in list_jobs?
3. why filter City does not work on job search?
4. why does not work JS Jobs BY City module?

Attachment screen.jpg not found

10 years 8 months ago #3442 by Ahmad
Replied by Ahmad on topic how can I buy JS Jobs Pro?

Location is auto complete field.
If some error on page and auto complete is not working. Location (city) will not save in database and it not show in view.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
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