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Joomla 2.5.1 and JSJobs free ver install ERRORS

12 years 11 months ago #2145 by arthur

I've tried twice to no avail. I would like to test this component before I purchase the full version. When I install on a fresh Joomla 2.5.1 environment I get the following install errors.

Even though I can access the component options in the backend and front end, there are script errors everywhere.

Please can you assist further - I would really like to buy this component but not until I know these issues can be resolved.

( ! ) Notice: Object of class JVersion could not be converted to int in C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\administrator\components\com_jsjobs\install.jsjobs.php on line 2772
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0006 389720 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 0.1241 5958504 JAdministrator->dispatch( ) ..\index.php:46
3 0.1301 6352768 JComponentHelper::renderComponent( ) ..\application.php:152
4 0.1380 6385128 JComponentHelper::executeComponent( ) ..\helper.php:357
5 0.1385 6433984 require_once( 'C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\administrator\components\com_installer\installer.php' ) ..\helper.php:388
6 0.1442 6765264 JController->execute( ) ..\installer.php:22
7 0.1443 6765312 InstallerControllerInstall->install( ) ..\controller.php:754
8 0.1514 7280680 InstallerModelInstall->install( ) ..\install.php:30
9 0.6383 8094520 JInstaller->install( ) ..\install.php:110
10 0.6759 8775304 JInstallerComponent->install( ) ..\installer.php:472
11 6.7865 11367448 com_install( ) ..\component.php:485
12 7.0909 11369184 installModulePlugin( ) ..\install.jsjobs.php:26

( ! ) Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn't find constant JPATH_ in C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\libraries\joomla\installer\adapters\module.php on line 117
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0006 389720 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 0.1241 5958504 JAdministrator->dispatch( ) ..\index.php:46
3 0.1301 6352768 JComponentHelper::renderComponent( ) ..\application.php:152
4 0.1380 6385128 JComponentHelper::executeComponent( ) ..\helper.php:357
5 0.1385 6433984 require_once( 'C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\administrator\components\com_installer\installer.php' ) ..\helper.php:388
6 0.1442 6765264 JController->execute( ) ..\installer.php:22
7 0.1443 6765312 InstallerControllerInstall->install( ) ..\controller.php:754
8 0.1514 7280680 InstallerModelInstall->install( ) ..\install.php:30
9 0.6383 8094520 JInstaller->install( ) ..\install.php:110
10 0.6759 8775304 JInstallerComponent->install( ) ..\installer.php:472
11 6.7865 11367448 com_install( ) ..\component.php:485
12 7.0909 11369184 installModulePlugin( ) ..\install.jsjobs.php:26
13 7.1128 11373120 JInstaller->install( ) ..\install.jsjobs.php:2785
14 7.1220 11670480 JInstallerModule->loadLanguage( ) ..\installer.php:460
15 7.1221 11671960 constant
( ) ..\module.php:117

( ! ) Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn't find constant JPATH_ in C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\libraries\joomla\installer\adapters\module.php on line 119
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0006 389720 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 0.1241 5958504 JAdministrator->dispatch( ) ..\index.php:46
3 0.1301 6352768 JComponentHelper::renderComponent( ) ..\application.php:152
4 0.1380 6385128 JComponentHelper::executeComponent( ) ..\helper.php:357
5 0.1385 6433984 require_once( 'C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\administrator\components\com_installer\installer.php' ) ..\helper.php:388
6 0.1442 6765264 JController->execute( ) ..\installer.php:22
7 0.1443 6765312 InstallerControllerInstall->install( ) ..\controller.php:754
8 0.1514 7280680 InstallerModelInstall->install( ) ..\install.php:30
9 0.6383 8094520 JInstaller->install( ) ..\install.php:110
10 0.6759 8775304 JInstallerComponent->install( ) ..\installer.php:472
11 6.7865 11367448 com_install( ) ..\component.php:485
12 7.0909 11369184 installModulePlugin( ) ..\install.jsjobs.php:26
13 7.1128 11373120 JInstaller->install( ) ..\install.jsjobs.php:2785
14 7.1220 11670480 JInstallerModule->loadLanguage( ) ..\installer.php:460
15 7.1229 11672744 constant
( ) ..\module.php:119
12 years 11 months ago #2146 by arthur
Sorry I meant to post this error too, this is what I see on the front-end, with a menu link to simply list the newest job postings:

Notice: Undefined property: JSJobsViewJobseeker::$filterid in C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\components\com_jsjobs\views\jobseeker\tmpl\job_filters.php on line 130
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0005 383056 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 0.1861 9059552 JSite->dispatch( ) ..\index.php:42
3 0.1955 9422656 JComponentHelper::renderComponent( ) ..\application.php:187
4 0.2065 9503288 JComponentHelper::executeComponent( ) ..\helper.php:357
5 0.2073 9555344 require_once( 'C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\components\com_jsjobs\jsjobs.php' ) ..\helper.php:388
6 0.2187 10279000 JController->execute( ) ..\jsjobs.php:47
7 0.2187 10279048 JSJobsControllerJsjobs->display( ) ..\controller.php:754
8 0.2639 14987576 JSJobsViewJobseeker->display( ) ..\jsjobs.php:933
9 0.3237 15852488 JView->display( ) ..\view.html.php:929
10 0.3237 15852488 JView->loadTemplate( ) ..\view.php:301
11 0.3267 16081672 include( 'C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\components\com_jsjobs\views\jobseeker\tmpl\listnewestjobs.php' ) ..\view.php:742
12 0.3310 16327816 require_once( 'C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\components\com_jsjobs\views\jobseeker\tmpl\job_filters.php' ) 2.5\components\com_jsjobs\views\jobseeker\tmpl\job_filters.php' ) ..\listnewestjobs.php:81
2.5\components\com_jsjobs\views\jobseeker\tmpl\job_filters.php' )
12 years 11 months ago #2147 by arthur
I tried adding a menu link to list job categories. That works fine (no errors) but when I click on one of the categories it has this error at the top:

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\components\com_jsjobs\views\jobseeker\view.html.php on line 432
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0006 383696 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 0.1938 9251232 JSite->dispatch( ) ..\index.php:42
3 0.2052 9614392 JComponentHelper::renderComponent( ) ..\application.php:187
4 0.2168 9695024 JComponentHelper::executeComponent( ) ..\helper.php:357
5 0.2175 9747088 require_once( 'C:\wamp\www\Joomla 2.5\components\com_jsjobs\jsjobs.php' ) ..\helper.php:388
6 0.2268 10470712 JController->execute( ) ..\jsjobs.php:47
7 0.2268 10470760 JSJobsControllerJsjobs->display( ) ..\controller.php:754
8 0.2727 15179288 JSJobsViewJobseeker->display( ) ..\jsjobs.php:933
12 years 11 months ago #2149 by arthur
I did some googleling and found this, I am going to try manualy apply this fix and see if it works:

Looking at the code, we see:

$client = (string) $this->manifest->attributes()->client;
$lang->load($extension . '.sys', $source, null, false, false)
|| $lang->load($extension . '.sys', constant('JPATH_' . strtoupper($client)), null, false, false)
|| $lang->load($extension . '.sys', $source, $lang->getDefault(), false, false)
|| $lang->load($extension . '.sys', constant('JPATH_' . strtoupper($client)), $lang->getDefault(), false, false);

Looking at the bold and underlined sections above, it becomes clear [if you know php and know that in this case the manifest is the XML install manifest file after it has been parsed] that the system is trying to determine which side of the site to install the module: the SITE or the ADMIN. The fix in the insall was then relatively straightforward: where 1.5 assumes all installs are performed in the SITE unless told otherwise, for 2.5 you have to declare it specifically in the manifest:

<install type=”module” version=”1.5.0″ method=”upgrade” client=”site”>

simply add “client=site” (or admin, if you prefer) to the module manifest file.

The same issue will most likely strike with any extension that can have a front-end or back-end installation: modules, languages and templates, to name a few.

IMO, this is really a bug in Joomla!, and has been reported as such: constants shouldn’t be chosen dynamically from user input such as a manifest file. Instead, the code should use a switch statement or some other method, then either use reasonable defaults as used to be the case (most modules are for the site, right?) or fail gracefully with an error message if it can’t determine where to load the files.

Let’s hope this is addressed in a future version of the Joomla! core. In the meantime, module authors can use this solution to update their manifest files and solve the “Couldn’t find constant JPATH_” errors for their customers.
12 years 11 months ago #2150 by arthur
Just tried and it still comes up with errors. Will keep looking around until the developer replies.
12 years 11 months ago #2151 by Super User

JS Jobs work on Joomla 2.5.x.

Your system show warning on some code line, on live site these waning not show.
These are not errors so JS Jobs working not make problem.
Our developer working on warnings.

Please download latest JS Jobs translation.

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
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