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Can't add registration menu item

11 years 8 months ago #2800 by Amber Phil
hi, just installed js jobs on joomla 3, followed your instructions to add employer control panel and job seeker control panel, this works no problem. Then tried to add employer and job seeker menu items but they aren't there!? on the picture in your instructions it shows them at the bottom of the js jobs list (on the add new menu item type page) under "my resume" but on my list "my resume" is the last menu item type, nothing under it? i noticed the picture is from a joomla 2.5 installation so i tried a new joomla 2.5 install and put js jobs for joomla 2.5 on instead and it's exactly the same!? it says the registration part is installed (when i install through extension manager) I don't get it? These are fresh joomla installations and i've followed the instructions exactly.

Can you help please? We are looking to purchase this software but wanted to try it first

11 years 8 months ago #2801 by Amber Phil
.... that's add employer and job seeker registration menu items
11 years 8 months ago #2803 by Super User

Registration feature available only in Pro version.

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
11 years 7 months ago #2902 by Rost

I have Pro Version but Registration and Login call error message.

It doesn't work!

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