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Job Apply as a visitor, not function!!

11 years 10 months ago #2779 by Lluis
Hello Rabilal!!

User not registered, the "guest" .. when apply a job as visitor, .. go to resume form, and send/save this.
the system d'ont send a email to jobseeker, a notification for this acction.... and no send the resume to de company!! .

the state for "visitor apply a job" is yes.. open.

how make for acces to my joobseeker control panel.? why d'ont receipt a email info, type "your resume is sending to a job/company"
when guest, apply a job "as visitor" .. why not required a username and password ? is a empty/hole step in this point.. or i need a triple coffe, and buy a big glasses.. :-)

this is a problem, the system brake the action for the guest.. and the emailtemplate, d'ont send nothing!
11 years 10 months ago #2780 by Lluis
and another... default for "new resume" is "auto-aproved"..
11 years 9 months ago #2819 by pitagora
Hello, lluis!

I have also asked the same question. I've been testing this extension and I think it's fascinating and different, but honestly without notification to the administrator, I think it does not do much. We need something more dynamic in this respect.

I hope the developer (or some friend) give us a favorable answer!

I Hope,


JS Jobs
Joomla 2.5.9
11 years 9 months ago #2834 by Super User

To set resume auto approve
Configurations > Job Seeker > Resume Auto Approve: Yes

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
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