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Various problems

10 years 8 months ago #3399 by Nina Balslev

I have the following problems

The breadcrum function does not work properly. When I e.g. is writing a resume in JS Jobs I cannot follow the breadcrum from home to where I am in JS Jobs. Please see enclosed image:

Attachment Breadcrumfunctiondoesnotworkproperly.jpg not found

When I have written a resume and I then safe it, I cannot get into it again in order to make corrections or fullfill the resume. Please see enclosed image:

Attachment Cannotcontinuethewritingofmyresume.jpg not found

When you reach the the part of the Jobseekers resume which is about education, employers, skills, references and language you are not able to safe the resume:
Please see enclosed image:

Attachment Cannotsaferesume.jpg not found

I look forward to your help


Best regards
Nina Balslev
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