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Moderate employer job posts?

10 years 2 weeks ago #3707 by Beau Sanders
For the past several weeks we have been evaluating Joomla extensions to use on our Jobs Board. One important feature for us is that there needs to be a way for the administration to moderate job posts by employers. This is necessary to prevent spam and allow the administrator to know when new posts are submitted. Does JSJobs provide this feature?

-Beau Sanders


Beau Sanders
10 years 1 week ago #3725 by Ahmad
Replied by Ahmad on topic Moderate employer job posts?

Yes, JS Jobs send email to admin on new job, admin can approve job for front-end listing.
This feature is admin configurable.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
10 years 1 week ago #3729 by Beau Sanders
Thank you for your response this is helpful to know in advance of installing.

Beau Sanders
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