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problem with resume table

8 years 3 months ago #4586 by Daniel Raddatz
I´m getting the following Error when trying to save a Resume -
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Can't update table '#__js_job_resume' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger. SQL=INSERT INTO `#__js_job_resume` (`id`,`uid`,`created`,`last_modified`,`published`,`hits`,`application_title`,`keywords`,`alias`,`first_name`,`last_name`,`middle_name`,`gender`,`email_address`,`home_phone`,`work_phone`,`cell`,`nationality`,`iamavailable`,`job_category`,`jobsalaryrange`,`jobsalaryrangetype`,`jobtype`,`status`,`date_start`,`desired_salary`,`djobsalaryrangetype`,`dcurrencyid`,`experienceid`,`driving_license`,`license_no`,`license_country`,`packageid`,`paymenthistoryid`,`currencyid`,`job_subcategory`,`date_of_birth`,`video`,`isgoldresume`,`isfeaturedresume`,`searchable`,`heighestfinisheducation`) VALUES  ('','0','2016-09-07 14:14:46','','1','0','test2','','test2','test2','test','test','1','[email protected]','','','','97','1','13','19','2','1','1','2016-09-21 00:00:00','14','2','1','5','1','111','97','0','0','1','48','1990-09-07 00Cache-Control: no-cache)

the info is stored in the table/db but i cannot apply for a job - constantly get thrown back to the captcha - and by solving it again get the next entry in the table.
Does anybody know a solution for this problem? it seems to only happen on the customers nginx server , a local copy works fine! I would be very grateful for a hint / or solution.
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