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Login problem, Installation problem !

5 years 11 months ago #6119 by Christian Heyner
First Problem:
I cannot login with the same user name here for the forum and to submit a ticket! How is this possible ?
Second Problem:
I am having an a issue activating your Jobcomponent and Ticket component on our test website and in step 3
after I insert my activation key installation does not continue to
the finish step.
Now I have seen this method of activation before and my problem with it is:
I will have to call you every time if I need to reinstall yourcomponents again. (Just to tell you I have tried to install them on
3 different hosts just to check if this is my error. Result was the
Also when my subscription expires and I decide that I do not want to renew subscription I will not be able to use it at all if I
need to reinstall it.Can you remove or provide me with updated package or provide me with instructions on what I need to change in php files to remove
this activation window when it does not establish connection to
your server.
P.S. curl is enabled if you are gonna ask me that.
Thank you!
5 years 11 months ago #6120 by mohsin
1. Forum need different account than joomsky.
2. Open support ticket and send your site details.
You can install your allowed version after support period expire.
5 years 11 months ago #6121 by Christian Heyner
Maybe you did NOT understand my main point:
On the homepage of Joomsky I have registered!
Then, when I try to login, NOTHING happens! I try the "Forgot Password Function".
Again: NOTHING happens! ONLY this forum is working! NOTHING else.
Please tell your colleagues from Joomsky, that they MUST repair their homepage and make it work!
This is a terrible experience!
Thank you for your support.
Regards, Christian
5 years 11 months ago #6122 by mohsin
Tell me the username of your account.
5 years 11 months ago #6123 by Christian Heyner
My information is as follows:
Mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
User: cheyner
Thank you for your help!
5 years 11 months ago #6124 by mohsin
Your account not exist any more.
Please create new account.
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