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Jobs User fields seems to not work

15 years 1 month ago #1034 by Cauchy

I think to edit the php files for add some fields before remenber that there\'s an option in the admin area for user fields.

I would like to add fields in jobs, but when i try (drop down), i have an error 500. Then i loggin again the error gone but the job form doesn\'t seems to be update with the new field.

I try again with a checkbox and also with textfield and i got the same result :(

Where\'s a manual or something for explain what kind of data we can write or not for each field of the \"user fields\" ?

For now i need 2 drop down, with each 3 values and 1 checkbox.

Do you have a solution ?
15 years 1 month ago #1045 by Ahmad
Please download v1.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 1 month ago #1053 by Cauchy
In fact i made a lot of change on php files so it was a little difficult to move all my code. But it\'s worth to change for the new version beacuse it\'s better

Thank you for your hard work !
15 years 1 month ago #1070 by Cauchy
I managed to do again the changes I made. Unfortunately after some tests I noticed that there were still problems. The date does not work and on the dropdown lists after several trials value is no more the chosen one but the one in the last saving resume.
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