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Delete/Hide unused Job Form Fields in Backend

12 years 3 months ago #2214 by Lara
Hi Everyone,

i dont find any way to hide Job Form Fields in the backend that didnt used. We dont need all the fields in the Job form and for a better survey i want to hide some. (Not the required fields)

I have commented out some fileds in the file: ...administrator/components/com_jsjobs/views/application/tmpl/formjob.php

In the backend they are invisible but if i want to add a job and save it's not saved.

Can anyone help me?
12 years 3 months ago #2223 by Super User

You can hide job form fields
Admin > Jobs > Fields > unpublished unwanted fields.

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
11 years 10 months ago #2481 by Mustafa Refaey
When i press unpublish, the page reloads and says published!
I really need to unpublish a lot of fields
11 years 10 months ago #2484 by Super User

Quick tip: Unpublished section to unpublished all section fields.

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
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