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City: Not Found

6 years 9 months ago #5507 by Alejandro
City: Not Found was created by Alejandro
I need to add a city to a job, but when I try it, it gives me a Not Found error. I have tried several cities of my country with the same result.
Please help
6 years 9 months ago - 6 years 9 months ago #5508 by von
Replied by von on topic City: Not Found
I had the same problem. I had to purchase the cities database for $15. In a location that was not in the database, i managed to use latitude and longitude.
6 years 9 months ago #5518 by Carole McMillan
Replied by Carole McMillan on topic City: Not Found
Whilst creating a new job, I was able to add a city and country which was previously not in the database in the format <city name, country name>. This automatically updated the cities database with the latitude and longitude.

However, no pin is displayed on the map....any ideas ?
4 years 1 month ago #6492 by fooky
Replied by fooky on topic City: Not Found
The same problem over here... 
But frankly this whole component seems to be too complicated both for admin and for users.

Does anyone know how to disable most of the fields?

In my perfect world after hitting "apply" button there should be only a submit button for downloading ready CV from the computer... 
Who needs the rest?
I'm afraid people after seeing the number of fields to fill,  will just move to another site...

The same goes for submitting job offers...

Hope I can unpublish some of the things...
There is only one question: HOW?

Any chance for help?
4 years 1 month ago #6496 by fooky
Replied by fooky on topic City: Not Found
I think I have found the solution.

In the admin panel there si a button: "Countries" from where you can upload a file.
The only problem is, that this file is paid: 15$  www.joomsky.com/products/world-cities-for-js-jobs.html

A I see, nobody's posting anything here for years... 
There is a big question left: If it makes sense to buy full component and  If there will be a newer version and future support?

4 years 1 month ago #6497 by andras
Replied by andras on topic City: Not Found
Disabling fields can be done on the admin section under each submenus (resumes, jobs, companies)
One error I found was "degree title" is missing from the fields list! Weird, so I just commented out the relating php section in
wp-content/themes/job-manager/js-jobs/job-viewjob.php line 208
  /*echo getDataRow(esc_html__('Degree title', 'job-manager'), __($data->degreetitle ,"job-manager"));*/
not so nice, and updates may mess this up but works

As for the cities I think I'll create a custom csv and import rather than pay for a database that might not even be perfect. 
I am in contact with the developers through tickets and they do keep fixing things, though their response time is somewhat slow to say the least.
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