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Resume could not delete & Job(s) could not delete

15 years 2 months ago #987 by Mitali Patel
Hello ,

The JSJobs component is really great.

But I am having issues deleting the jobs and the resumes in the administrator area.

While trying to delete a resume it says that \"1 Error: Resumes could not delete\". I tried many ways to delete it by changing the status to \"Approved\" and \"Rejected\". But, no matter what status I set, I cannot delete the resumes.

Moreover, I cannot delete the Jobs. when I try to delete the Job it says \"1 Job(s) could not delete\". I tried changing the \"Job status\" to \"Hold\" and tried deleting it, but of no help. I even tried to play with the \"Start publishing\" and \"Stop publishing\", but again of no help. Moreover, in the front-end also, there is no option to delete the applied resumes and the jobs.

Please help!

15 years 2 months ago #991 by Mitali Patel
Somebody please reply!

I am stuck with this in the JS Jobs. I need to delete the resumes and jobs as mentioned.

Please help!

15 years 2 months ago #992 by Rick Romero
Hello, I am also having the same problem, Component has very much potential, I have edited the templates to fit my site and the css file but i can not delete the resumes, companies, jobs...I have NOT tried to login to the PHP admin control panel (this may be the only way to delete)...waiting on response from Ahmad...

Hey Ahmad please help us out!!...need help on this issue...Your component is great..a little twinkling. These is the only FREE Joomla Jobs component that has potential.

I will be more than glad to help in any way possible to make this component the best Joomla Jobs component even if it has to go commercial

Let us know Man!!

Rick Romero

استطيع حذف يستأنف ، والشركات ، وفرص العمل... لم أحاول تسجيل الدخول إلى [فب] لوحة التحكم الادارية (وهذا قد يكون السبيل الوحيد لحذف)... في انتظار رد من أحمد...

يا أحمد الرجاء مساعدتنا على الخروج!!... بحاجة الى مساعدة في هذه القضية... أدخل العنصر هو عظيم.. طرفة قليلا. هذه هي الدولة الوحيدة مجانية جملة وظائف العنصر الذي المحتملة.

سأكون أكثر من سعيد للمساعدة بأي طريقة ممكنة لجعل هذا العنصر من جملة وظائف أفضل عنصر حتى إذا كان لديه للذهاب التجارية

دعونا نعرف مان!

Rick Romero
Joomla Webmaster
15 years 2 months ago - 15 years 2 months ago #994 by Ahmad

Please send me Joomla account detail with site at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 2 months ago - 15 years 2 months ago #996 by Rick Romero
Hello, مرحبا Ahmad

How are you! Thank you for the quick response.

I was able to delete the sample job company, resume, Etc via PHPAmin control panel...wow!

Love your component...as i said needs a little work and it will be great.

Maybe it is just a bug somewhere that is not letting delete the added companies, jobs, resumes, Etc....Please let me know about how i can help! i am NOT a PHP guru but i am persistant on learning how too!

Malecom salam

Rick Romero

Rick Romero
Joomla Webmaster
15 years 2 months ago - 15 years 2 months ago #998 by Rick Romero
Hello Ahmad, Hope you got my e-mail.
I restored the component to its original state, And thank you in advance for your help.

Rick Romero


Rick Romero
Joomla Webmaster
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