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URGENT add new tab in \"Add resume\"

15 years 1 month ago #1052 by tomtomgo
I want to create a new tab in the formresume.php and add new fields in it.
And of course save this fields in my database
Anyone know the step by step to do that?

thx a lot!
15 years 1 month ago - 15 years 1 month ago #1056 by Cauchy
I try also to add a new tab in the resume form for language. I kept the data in the resume table and add them in fieldsordering table with new section (90) starting ordering 300 (+/-)
I place section and section_sub in the 2 formresume.php and view_resume.php
$pane =& JPane::getInstance(\'tabs\');
$big_field_width = 40;
$med_field_width = 25;
$sml_field_width = 15;

$section_personal = 1;
$section_languages = 0;
$section_sub_language = 0;
$section_sub_language1 = 0;
$section_sub_language2 = 0;
$section_sub_language3 = 0;

foreach($this->fieldsordering as $field){ 
	switch ($field->field){
		case \"section_addresses\" :
	$section_addresses = $field->published;	break;
		case \"section_languages\" :
	$section_languages = $field->published; break;
		case \"section_sub_language\" :
	$section_sub_language = $field->published; break;
		case \"section_sub_language1\" :
	$section_sub_language1 = $field->published; break;
		case \"section_sub_language2\" :	
$section_sub_language2 = $field->published; break;
		case \"section_sub_language3\" :
	$section_sub_language3 = $field->published; break;


<?php break;
						case \"section_languages\": ?>
<?php  echo $pane->endPanel(); ?>
<?php echo $pane->startPanel(JText::_(\'JS_LANGUAGES\'),\'languages\'); ?>
<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"admintable\" >
<?php  if (($section_languages == 1) && ($section_sub_language == 1)) { ?>
<td width=\"100\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\" class=\"<?php echo $this->theme[\'sectionheading\']; ?>\">
<?php echo JText::_(\'JS_LANGUAGE\'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php break;
						case \"language\": ?>
<?php  if (($section_languages == 1) && ($section_sub_language == 1)) { ?>


I can view the new tab with all the field but when i try to add a resume and save it nothing happends and i have an error saving resume message. Do you have a clue about this ? Someting i have to add somewhere ?


Tomtomgo I hope it will guide you a little in your search
15 years 1 month ago #1063 by Mauro Telani
Hello i need language field too..
15 years 1 month ago - 15 years 1 month ago #1069 by Cauchy
Hi, i found my problem : i finally realize that the first part of fields\'s title in resume table where langugage instead of language ... I just change this stuff and now my new tab work\'s fine :D

So if you want to add the language table : add the fields in fieldsordering table (be carefull with section and ordering).
They are already in the resume table and the resume.php file in directory table. Unless you want other type of fields.

After you have to modify the formresume.php and view_resume.php that are in /components/com_jsjobs/views/jobseeker/tmpl for frontoffice and in /administrator/components/com_jsjobs/views/application/tmpl for the backoffice.

Just take an other panel in example and do the same things with the tab and fields you want add.

Don\'t forget for in case (<? php case \"xxx\": ?>) you have to write the name of the field you enter in fieldsordering and after the one in resume table
15 years 1 month ago #1071 by tomtomgo
qué bueno!!

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