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how to add drop down list field to resume

14 years 1 week ago #1654 by hussein amr

i have little knowledge with html and php
i am trying to edit the resume form
but i can't add a drop down list field type
i want to do so because i have some fields that i want i user to give a specific answer for it

for example i want the user to select from a list of universities
also i want the user to select his birth year
14 years 4 days ago #1657 by Ahmad
To add drop down list in resume form.

- Add field in database table
- Add field in resume table class '../administrator/components/com_jsjobs/tables/resume.php'
- May add field in field ordering table.

Add this code in resume form
$fieldname_values = array(
	'0' => array('value' => 1,'text' => JText::_('Value 1')),
	'1' => array('value' => 2,'text' => JText::_('Value 2')),
	'2' => array('value' => 3,'text' => JText::_('Value 1')),);

  $fieldname_list = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $field_name_values, 'fieldname', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->resume->fieldname);
  $fieldname_list = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $field_name_values, 'fieldname', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');

echo $fieldname_list;


- May you also need to change view_resume.php to display value.

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