File: jobseeker / view.html.php,
in your script comes with the following statement:
elseif($_GET[\'layout\']== \'view_resume\'){ // view resume
if (isset($_GET[\'id\']))
$empid = $_GET[\'id\'];
$empid = \'\';
if ($empid != \'\'){
$application = $model->getEmpApplicationbyid($empid);
To view the page resume.
how Adding a second option, php tipe:
It\'s because I created a second page (view_resume_employer.php) for viewing the resume without the contact data.
jobseeker is redirected to (view_resume.php)
employer is redirected to (view_resume_employer.php)
how do I add this second option that the code?
already made the change to the file: job_appliedapplications.php to call the other file:
<? php $ link = \'index.php? com_jsjobs option = & c = & view = jsjobs jobseeker
view_resume_employer & layout = & vm = 2 & rd =\'
but is blank.