Hello Admin, first of all, thanks for this nice component of JS Jobs.
I'm wondering, why I could not find your component in JED? I looked on Jobs & Recruitment category, but didn't find this on today's date.
JS Jobs is compatible with J 1.6 right? I'm sorry, but I couldn't find that info in JED or your homepage, but viewing previous post from other users, it seems compatible.
I installed your component in localhost with J1.5 + CB + uddeim + disable joomla registration module + JS Jobs latest job (from little acorn).
I had a problem, I tried to register a user with CB registration form. Registration is fine and then showed "Registration complete please login". I logged in, and clicked Employer Control Panel. NewInJSJobs appeared and I decided to be an Employer. When I clicked OK, it brought me to Employer Control Panel. I clicked add company, it showed "You are not allowed to view this page!", same with add new job. Why was that? I opened "My Company" and it worked fine, just showed me "No Result".
I opened the backend setting, the user role was Employer.
Then I figured how to solve this problem, but not in correct way. I tried again to register another user as an employer. Then visited the add company. The same error message appeared. I logged out and then logged in again. It worked!
That user account can now view the add job and add company. It's slowing down the job posting process if the employer have to relogin after NewInJSJobs, eventhough it's only once in lifetime of that account. How can I fix this?
Thanks and best regards for you,

- Gusde FunkYasa -