Dear Sir:
We tested the new version (1.0.7) and see that several problems have been fixed, but we still have some questions:
One of them is similar to the issue of this post
We want load the default country in the search form, and we edited the file
com_jsjobs / views / jobseekers / tmpl / jobsearch.php
with the line:
window.onload = modsearchjob_dochange ('country', '180 ') / / value in first dropdown
where 180 is the ID of our country, Spain, but does not work.
The drop-down list of countries is shown "**ALL** to load the page and the "state" is displayed as an input box,, not as a drop-down list..
Note: we have "Spain" as the default country in the area of administration, in jsbobs-> configuration tab
Thanks in advance, Alvaro