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Wen Apply job lnk is clicked the email is not sent

15 years 9 months ago #398 by divakargilani
wen the user clicks the apply job the email is not sent...what can b the problem..help its urgent...m using Phpmail..
15 years 9 months ago #403 by Ahmad
If \"Send me alert on apply this job\" is checked then system send email.

I call Joomla email sender.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 9 months ago #404 by divakargilani
srry i couldnt find that opyion anywhere...can u explain a bit more...
15 years 9 months ago #405 by Ahmad
On job posting form at the bottom.

\"Send Email Send me alert on apply this job\"

Please check the demo site

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
15 years 8 months ago #474 by Derek Phillips
I have the same issue. I\'ve downloaded the latest version ( beta). The job posting form has all the same fields as on the demo site except it is missing the

\"Send Email Send me alert on apply this job\"

checkbox. Emails are not being sent when jobs are applied for.

Any ideas why this field is missing?

The Joomla install is a new install with the latest Version 1.5.10. Emails are working for a standard contact form.
15 years 8 months ago #475 by Derek Phillips
After some investigation I can see the problem. I am posting a job in the admin area which uses a template that does not have the \"Send me alert on apply this job\" option. The option does appear if posting a job via the front end. I\'ve tried adding the code to the admin template but it doesn\'t work properly.

File Name: views/application/tmpl/formjob.php

does have the email option code.

File Name: admin

is missing the code.

So only post jobs via the front end if you want the email on apply to work.

Hope that helps.
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