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CV file issue

15 years 3 months ago #859 by Youssef
CV file issue was created by Youssef
Hi everyone!
First I’d like to thank the developer for his great job.
I can’t access to the uploaded CV file (.doc...) I got this:

Error 403
You don\'t have permission to access /components/com_jsjobs/data/jobseeker/resume_1/resume/cv.doc on this server.

The file is uploaded in the folder, but I can’t access to the file, the file takes the permission 600 by default. I’m using Joomla! v1.5.15 and JS Jobs
Any Clues?

Thanks and regards.
15 years 3 months ago #860 by Manu
Replied by Manu on topic CV file issue
Im having the same problem. I would like to mention that this issue is the major error I see in this great module.

You are focussing in joob seekers to fill forms to create their CV when most users would like to upload a file with their CV.

In the latest version this option is even more hidden than before and personally I think this should be the first field when you click on CV, as an alternative to fill all the forms. Most users have their CV done and dont want to fill all those fields just upload a file.

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