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Ticket layout html keeps dissapearing

3 years 9 months ago #6672 by Kotisivutohtori
I am testing JS Support Ticket for Joomla. Looks great!

The only problem is when I try to edit the texts for the email-layouts (New Ticket, Staff Ticket etc, the nice looking layout dissapers if I touch the texts. I have tested with several different editors (JCE, Tiny and no editor). The same thing happens with all of these. Am I missing something? 

Here is an example of the code that is left after saving the EMAIL template:

"Semba - Kulovakea Hei {USERNAME}, Uusi viesti: Viesti vastaanotettu Viestisi nro {SUBJECT} on vastaanotettu. Seuranta ID: {TRACKINGID} Sähköposti ID: {EMAIL} Viesti: {MESSAGE} Viestisi URL: {TICKETURL} Saat vastauksen kun henkilökuntamme vastaa viestiin. ÄLÄ VASTAA TÄHÄN VIESTIIN SÄHKÖPOSTITSE Tämä on automaattiviesti viestijärjestelmästämme. Älä vastaa tähän viestiin. Mahdolliset kommentit voit lisätä suoraan yllä olevan Viestin URL sivun kautta."

I tried disabling the JCE editor but no change. Any ideas why the email-templates layout keeps dissapearing?

- Anne
3 years 9 months ago #6689 by Ahmad

Does it work for other email templates?
Can you please try to edit in the source code.
Or copy the source code and edit it other editor and copy back it email template.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
3 years 9 months ago #6690 by Kotisivutohtori
yes, if I go and edit any text in the email-templates  (even via source code) and save, all html-code is gone. All that is left is the text itself. This happens with all email-templates.

I tried to copy source code from a template that is still having the layout, but when I paste it to a template missing the layout, and save, all code is gone again and only thing left is the text. 

So now only the templates that I have not touched, are showing the layout. The ones I have touched, have the text only. I have tried using different editors, taking the editor off, no change! 

- Anne
3 years 9 months ago #6691 by Ahmad

Check the system errors for any error in database.
Admin > JS Support Ticket > System errors.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
3 years 9 months ago #6692 by Kotisivutohtori
Hi, there is nothing:

Sorry! No record found...!
3 years 9 months ago #6694 by Kotisivutohtori
any ideas what could be causing this issue?

- Anne
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