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Downloads Not Displaying Properly

8 years 11 months ago #4371 by Harry Galleto
When I click Downloads as an administrator I have a couple options... Add Download and Downloads. Add downloads calls the adddownloads function and Downloads calls the staffdownloads. However, i never get an actual list of downloads. Instead it switches over to adding a new download or editing the current available downloads. If I add the the slug to a different page (btw your documentation is in need of updating as it says the short code is jssupportticket_Downloads instead of jssupportticket_download) I do get a list but if I click the Downloads link again it goes to add download. Where can I fix this? I want to be able to remove the extra downloads page and just use the built in downloads section of the application.

8 years 11 months ago #4372 by Harry Galleto
Actually it is worse than I initially thought... even as a test user who is merely assigned to the Support role with very limited access it tries to allow me to add/edit announcements AND downloads instead of just displaying them. Something is definitely not right. Permalinks have been saved and that had no impact.
8 years 11 months ago #4373 by Harry Galleto
One thing more... it would appear that this was caused by taking an administrator role and giving them a support ticket role. After deleting the admin account (via the server mysql tables as it wouldnt let me in the app) i am now able to list things on the front end. Apparently admins just are not meant to have the front end
8 years 11 months ago #4375 by Harry Galleto
Spoke too soon. If added in a staff role (regardless of level in this case a simple test volunteer with nothing but the base support role) this issue occurs. Same for FAQs Knowledge base, and Announcements.
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