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Pagination links don't seem to work

8 years 1 month ago #4698 by JC
If on the open tickets tab the pagination works fine. when I am trying to look through the closed tickets the first time I click on the pagination it takes me back to open tickets and now I'm viewing all the tickets.

It's seems to not track which tab you are in.
Is anybody else having this issue?
8 years 1 month ago #4699 by JC
I seem to have fixed this issue.
The page needs to track the list or tab it is on
It does require modifying the file includes/pagination.php

the method to modify is static function getPagination($total)
add these two lines to the top
$list = JSSTrequest::getVar('list', null, 1)
$add_args = array('list' => $list);

Then modify the paginate_links(
'add_args' => false
'add_args' => $add_args

No all the pagination works
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