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Color scheme is too hard to see

7 years 3 weeks ago #5270 by Ryan
Hello, I just got JS Support Ticket, and it seems really great, but I am having 1 major issue..
Besides the color scheme (white&grey) for JS, It doesn't really fit my website color scheme.
But the issue really resides in the fact, it is really hard to see the grey font on white background.
How can I change the colors of the font/background for JS support ticket.
you can see my problem here, www.thedawghouse.group/support/
7 years 3 weeks ago #5276 by Ahmad

It is your template body color.
If you want to change it, here is fix.
../ wp-content/plugins/js-support-ticket/includes/css/style.php
add this on line 210

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
7 years 3 weeks ago #5277 by Ryan
I think I'm doing it wrong. No changes after save.

208 div.tk_attachment_value_wrapperform{border: 1px solid #B8B8B8;background: #FDFDFD;}
209 div.js-form-title-position-reletive-left{}
210 .js-form-title{color:$color4;} (((<-- ADDED)))
210 div.js-form-title-position-border{padding: 5px !important;}
211 div.js-form-title-position-border label{padding-right: 15px;}
212 div.js-form-title-position-border input{margin-top: 4px;margin-right: 3px;}
213 span.tk_attachments_addform{float: left;clear: both;border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;background:#ddeeee;display: inline-block;padding:5px 10px;cursor: pointer;margin-top:10px;margin-right: 10px;}

it says: "Unexpected toke '$' at line 210, col 22. Rule is empty."
so i took out $ from the line code.
It saved fine, but no change.
I also added, div. before the line code, like the others.. no change.
and I changed the color 4 to #5C7CA5
still nothing..
Sorry im new to this.
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